Changes in the Southern and Scottish Section Committees

The Southern and Scottish sections recently held their AGMs and have announced changes to their Committees.

In the Southern Section, Joseph Fifield of Muntons is the new Chair taking over from Andrew Paterson of Lallemand who has become the new Vice Chair of the section.

Their Treasurer is Alan Paterman of Elgoods & Sons and Steve Wilkinson continues as Secretary.

Hayley Young of Brewing Services Ltd. and Matt Anderson of Curious Brewery are new members of the Southern Section Committee.

In the Scottish Section, David Hannah of Muntons has become the Chair replacing Stuart Watts of William Grant & Sons. The new Vice Chair is Angela Brown of Strathearn Distillery.

Ken Duncan continues as their Secretary and Niki Charleston as Treasurer and Dinner Secretary.

Thank you to Andrew and Stuart for the great job done in the last couple of years … and welcome the rest of the new section committee members.