About Us

Our Structure

About Us

Our Structure

The IBD is a Company Limited by Guarantee, and registered as an educational charity with the United Kingdom Charity Commission. As such, it is bound by Articles of Association which, in turn, are conditioned by the prevalent United Kingdom Companies Act, or Acts.


  • Governance responsibilities rest with the Board of Trustees.
  • Trustees are nominated by the Council and elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Trustees are Directors of the company as well as Trustees of the charity.


  • Megan Sheehy (President and Chair)
  • Raphaël Grisoni (Deputy President)
  • Bhavya Mandanna (Immediate Past President)
  • Will Calvert  (Honorary Treasurer)
  • Steve Price
  • David Smith
  • Sandra Stelma
  • David Cook


Council is responsible for representing the interests of all IBD members.

For functional purposes, the Officers of the IBD are the titled Honorary and Executive. Honorary Officers are the President, Deputy President, Immediate Past President and the Treasurer. The Chief Executive Officer is the Secretary.

The Chief Executive Officer attends Council but is not a member of it. Whilst the Secretary performs the function for Council which the title suggests, his duties are primarily to manage and conduct the business of the IBD as Chief Executive Officer, under the direction of Council and the Board of Trustees.


  • Megan Sheehy (President and Chair)
  • Raphaël Grisoni (Deputy President)
  • Bhavya Mandanna (Immediate Past President)
  • Will Calvert  (Honorary Treasurer)
  • Africa Section Representative
  • Asia Pacific Section Representative
  • Incorporated Brewers Benevolent Society Representative
  • International Section Representative
  • Irish Section Representative
  • UK Great Northern Section Representative
  • UK Midland Section Representative
  • UK Scottish Section Representative
  • UK Southern Section Representative

There are various committees and groups associated with the IBD. Other than the Chair of the Board of Examiners, the members who sit on the committees or groups do so on a voluntary basis and are sourced from our membership worldwide.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee oversees all IBD awards and ensures that robust processes are in place for the nomination and approval of all such awards. It is also committed to raising the profile of the IBD Awards and ensuring that all recipients receive the public acclaim that such awards deserve.

Members wishing to become fellow needs to be nominated through their section for the Awards Committee to evaluate their applications and make recommendations to the Council.

You can find more information about the Fellowship process here. 


  • Kirsty Black (Chair)
  • Clive Belcher
  • Michaela Miedl
  • Megan Sheehy
  • Matt Strickland

Board of Examiners

The role of the Board of Examiners is to maintain syllabi for the IBD examinations which are relevant, contemporary and meet the needs of the brewing and distilling industries worldwide. The examiners set, mark and moderate examinations as required. They also seek external accreditation of the examinations with qualifying bodies and benchmark the IBD exams on a global basis.

The Chair of the Board is responsible for the end-to-end examination experience and for continual improvement of the examination system, providing regular reports to the CEO and Council on progress made. The Chair of the Board of Examiners and the Head of Education and Professional Development collaborate to develop new Examinations as required by the brewing and distilling industries.

The current Chair of the Board of Examiners is Deb Kennedy.