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IBD Membership Required

Irish Section - Early Career Workshop

By: Orla O'Sullivan, Claire McCarthy, Mairead Griffin, David Quinn


The Irish Early Careers Members Network invited students and those starting out in the industry the chance to make vitally useful contacts, develop skills and knowledge and kick-start their professional and personal development at the Irish Section's webinar.

early career, career, career advice, career development, career opportunities

IBD Membership Required

Hop Breeding in the 21st Century


Get an insight into how new hop varieties are bred to safeguard the future of the brewing industry at the IBD Great Northern section's webinar! We encourage anyone with an interest in brewing, hops and agronomy to attend this webinar. The webinar will take you through the steps of how hops are bred and brought to market.

Some of the content requires an active membership to view.
You can find out more here
Some of the content requires an active membership to view.
You can find out more here